Birthright Academy was established in 2003 with the purpose of providing a Godly, character-building, academic curriculum in a Bible-based, individualized system of learning.
about us
By combining the A.C.E curriculum and programs with Nigerian curriculum and programs, the staff are obliged to exhibit Christian character themselves which provides a good relationship and environment for the students.
Our daily to annual student activities provide platforms, experiences and rewards for students to grow and push their academic, physical and spiritual limits.
student life
When a student has passed the required tests and consistently displayed mastery of his/her current level, the student can be promoted in a term within that same school year.
Students don't have to wait for the end of the session
to proceed to the next class level.
From top management to lowest cadre, staff are born-again and mandated to exemplify Christian character and relationships toward students and their peers.
Biblical principles motivate and support all programs, activities and policies.
Upon acceptance, a student is tested using a Diagnostic Test, which will discover his/her real academic level in five (5) core subjects.
Areas of academic weakness are discovered and strengthened, whereas areas of strength shall be further developed.
Photos of our student and staff activities